
Professor Stephen Porter

Associate Dentist

Professor Stephen Porter is Institute Director and Professor of Oral Medicine at UCL (at the world-renowned Eastman Dental Institute).

Oral Medicine

He has a national and international reputation in research and a wealth of experience in Oral Medicine – the medical management of disorders of the mouth and surrounding structures, including pain of the face and mouth.

Professor Porter is a member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons. He is also Honhourary Consultant in Oral Medicine in UCLHT NHS Eastman Dental Hospital. He has published more than 450 scholarly works. Including articles in the scientific journals The British Medical Journal, The British Dental Journal and The Journal of the American Dental Association.

Research and Career

Stephen Porter is Professor of Oral Medicine and Head of the Division of Maxillofacial Medical Diagnostic & Surgical Sciences at UCL Eastman Dental Institute. He was appointed as Director of the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in 2008.

His research focused on identifying, diagnosing and preventing pre-cancer and cancer of the mouth. He’s also established treatments that lessen the adverse effects of cancer therapy. His research has reported several firsts including reporting the impact of AIDS and HIV disease on the mouth. He also discovered the immunogenetic basis of aggressive periodontitis. He reported the viral cause of Kaposi’s sarcoma (HHIV-8) in the mouth of some immune deficient patients. Moreover, his work has described the oral disease of scleroderma and its impact on oral health.


  • Honorary Doctorate of Medicine, University of Gothenburg, 2011
  • Menzies Campbell Medal, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2015
  • Edward Leo Sheridan Medal, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, 2020
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